February 9, 2025

Repo Buzz

Collateral Recovery Repossession News And Directory

Tenn. Association (TAAR) Meet & Greet Set For August 26th



Lauren Kimbrell  

615-516-9918 (Lauren’s Direct Number) 

615-212-TAAR (Association Number)  



Meet and Greet the Board of Directors for T.A.A.R 

The board of directors is inviting YOU to come out and discuss expectations for all roles involved with the association, current issues Tennessee is facing in the repossession industry, and lastly how and why it is important to join your state association.  

WHERE: The event will be held in Nashville, TN. The exact address is still TBD. We need a head count, and a show of attendees to ensure the venue will suit all that are planning to attend!  

WHEN: Saturday, August 26th  Mid-day! Exact times will be posted once the venue is selected.  

WHY: To support your state in the industry you help manage! To be fully educated on any state changes that directly impact the repossession laws in Tennessee! To stand united with the other members of the association and help promote strength, unity, and loyalty! 

The board of directors for T.A.A.R is eager to meet every upcoming member! Over the past several months, the board has been hard at work getting this association together and fully formed so the entire state of Tennessee can finally come together as ONE and UNITE on the home front! All four directors are dedicated to improving this industry for all companies and members involved!  

Ask yourself, what do you have to lose by attending? The answer is NOTHING! We need YOU to show up and have an open dialogue with the board. Voice your opinions, concerns, and ideas!  

During this meet and greet we are looking to not only meet companies and their owners but also get to know what is important to you and why. What are your current problems with clients, work staff, equipment, ect. We are here to listen to everything that affects your day-to-day job duties. In return, we will provide full transparency during this meeting for any short- and long-term goals that we have discussed thus far.  

The board will be prepared and able to review and sign-up new members at the event! If you want to support the Tennessee Association of Accredited Repossessors this invitation is for YOU!  

To RSVP: email Lauren Kimbrell at president@tnaar.org or Alisha Mcquirt at secretary@tnaar.org When you RSVP please include the company name, total number of attendees, and contact information.  

DEADLINE TO RSVP: Saturday, August 5th  

The meet and greet is expected to be a 2-3 hour duration. Again, the location will be announced by August 18th   

Lastly, following the meet and greet there will be a social at The Game Terminal!  Come and join us for some fun!  

ADDRESS: 201 Terminal Ct, Nashville, TN 37210 

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