January 21, 2025

Repo Buzz

Collateral Recovery Repossession News And Directory

Not Another COVID-19 Statement – Dave Branch

Good Evening,

The current global situation and the effects of COVID-19 virus pandemic are being felt throughout the small businesses world and the collateral recovery industry is being hard hit. Our social media groups are full of trepidation and uncertainty as we hear of complete shutdowns in operations and staff layoffs. And unfortunately, the belief is wide in that we have yet to see the full effects of the pandemic.

Repo Buzz will continue to have the best interests of the repossession community not only in mind, but in heart.We will shift our focus in keeping our readers as up to date as possible with an emphasis on verification. One issue we have had on our social media was a lot of well intended misinformation in reference to client closing accounts. We soon found out that the financial lenders were caught off guard as well and a lot of confusion ensued. We decided late last week to stop approving posts in reference to moratoriums and suggested that all agency owners verify all their accounts directly and not take any internet advice. We fully understood that people needed to vent their frustration, but it was leading to so much disorientation.

Repo Buzz will also shift it’s focus onto the survival of the industry and the eventual recovery and aftermath. We will publish articles on resources that are available to you as small business owners, advice on personnel retention and many other helpful ideas to assist you in getting through this in the best possible shape. This will end and your agency needs to be prepared and in the best shape possible. If you are doing certain procedures within your agency and would like to share it with others, please write a short (or long) article and send it to us at article@repo.buzz

No one knows what lies ahead. This my my first pandemic and I am just as concerned as the rest of you. I do know that this period offers an excellent, once in a lifetime opportunity for the recovery industry to not only come together as brothers and sisters in a crisis, but to come together as business partners and right the wrongs that each and everyone of you have spoken about tirelessly. I have suggested starting a state association where none exist and still stand behind that strongly. We recently published a guide to starting a state association here. Now is the time to actually take a strong stand and make your value very clear and known. Take action and Repo Buzz will stand with you and offer what little, yet very specific resources we have to aide in any such endeavor. The hour is definitely upon you.

Take care of and protect your families. Be aware that others are just as stressed as you are and try to extend the kindness when and where you can. And take care of and protect your businesses. There are current situations that have pounded away at your success. Fix it!

Stay healthy,

Dave Branch

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