January 19, 2025

Repo Buzz

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RO Who Threatened Judge Found Mentally Unfit

In an article Repo Buzz brought you in 2017, a St. Louis woman who threatened a Judge over a repossession ruling has been found found mentally unfit.

Circuit Judge Elizabeth Hogan on Tuesday signed an order suspending a criminal case against Valerie Mitchell, 59, finding that Mitchell “lacks mental fitness to proceed and there is no substantial probability” that Mitchell will be “in the reasonably foreseeable future.”

Mitchell was charged with tampering with a judicial officer in November 2017 after calling court officials several times and threatening Circuit Judge Jason Sengheiser, authorities said. Mitchell indicated that she knew where Sengheiser, who uses a wheelchair, parked when he came to work in the morning. Charges said she planned to wait for him at the wheelchair ramp into the Civil Courts Building at 10 North Tucker Boulevard.

She was arrested when she showed up at the courthouse with a 7-inch-long box cutter wrapped in a scarf and stuffed into a glove within her backpack, authorities said. Mitchell complained about the judge on Facebook over his Oct. 26, 2017, ruling to repossess her 2014 Nissan Sentra.

Mitchell’s threatening calls to the courthouse mentioned Sengheiser by name, authorities said.

Hogan’s order says Mitchell’s case will be put on the court’s mental health docket, which will allow officials to determine whether she’ll be involuntarily committed.

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