February 6, 2025

Repo Buzz

Collateral Recovery Repossession News And Directory

Image result for Cathleen Jordan-Reeves
Cathleen Jordan-Reeves

Police are still looking for the woman, who was caught on camera, attacking a Chattanooga tow truck driver repossession agent with a baseball bat.

Police say the driver was attempting to repossess Cathleen Jordan-Reeves’ car on behalf of a finance company.

Kyle Vincent with the International Towing and Recovery Museum says this isn’t the first time he’s seen a tow truck attacked.

Vincent says a tow truck driver dies on the job every 10 to 16 days across the country. He says it’s a dangerous job and drivers deal with violent and distracted drivers.

“He can feel the cars brush by him on his back. Because people don’t slow down. They don’t move over and they don’t pay attention,” Vincent says.

The driver who was behind the wheel in the viral video on social media is okay. His employer, United Auto Recovery, did not want to comment on the case, that police say is pending an arrest.

Vincent commends the driver for responding to the situation the way that he did. He unhooked the vehicle. Jordan-Reeves took off before police arrived. Vincent says what happens next should be left up to police.

“Make sure you are aware that essentially these people are first responders’ and their lives matter just as much as yours does,” Vincent says.

The Chattanooga Police Department has issued warrants for Cathleen Jordan-Reeves’ arrest.

She’s facing aggravated assault and vandalism charges.

Court records show she has faced assault charges in the past.


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