February 10, 2025

Repo Buzz

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Indefinite Postponement Of CA Assembly – Delay On AB2501 Reconsideration

California’s state legislature announced Monday that it will remain in recess after five people who work in the Assembly, including one lawmaker, tested positive for the coronavirus, KCRA 3 reports.

“The Assembly will remain in recess until further notice,” Speaker Mark Rendon (D) said in a statement obtained by KCRA. “We have taken this decision, as we did in March, to protect members, staff and the public from exposure.”

The General Assembly made a similar decision this spring in response to the first wave of coronavirus cases in the U.S. That decision in March led to almost two months of work stoppage for the legislature.

Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (D) confirmed on social media that she and her daughter had tested positive for the virus but had yet to show symptoms.

“[We] will be remaining in quarantine until released by a doctor,” she added.

California moved last week to halt its reopening plans in the face of a rise in new coronavirus cases.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Monday added five counties to the list of those instructed to close bars and indoor operations for certain businesses, bringing the total number to 23.

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