February 6, 2025

Repo Buzz

Collateral Recovery Repossession News And Directory

Blotter – Rhode Island RO Arrested For Felony Assault

East Greenwich, RI – Police arrested an East Greenwich woman, 54, on felony assault charges and disorderly conduct after she was accused of hitting the man trying to repossess her car. Police were called to Duke Street for a hit and run accident.

An employee of Evergreen Auto Recovery said that he had been in the process of repossessing a car when a woman came out of her house and started yelling at him. She then got into the car and started accelerating towards him, which he felt she was “intentionally trying to cause him bodily harm,” according to police. She hit the tow truck and drove away. A neighbor captured the interaction on video.

State police located the car in Providence, where the officers were able to find and arrest the woman, bringing her back to the East Greenwich police station.

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