February 6, 2025

Repo Buzz

Collateral Recovery Repossession News And Directory

Kudos To Repo Buzz Co-Founder A.J. McLaughlin

Several years ago, AJ McLaughlin came to me with some news. After many years of a successful partnership in which we used our combined 55+ years in collateral recovery and collaborated to create our vision of Repo Buzz, AJ said that he could no longer keep up with his duties at Repo Buzz and his new position with Location Services. Despite AJ officially leaving Repo Buzz, he has continued to play a large role, including continuing to be a sounding board for my wild ideas. I was really happy for AJ as he set some solid records with Location Services and his leadership proved to be effective.

When news of Location Services shutting down their direct repossession services, I reached out to AJ to see if he needed anything and to ask how he was taking the news. He said to me, as he had often, that he always lands on his feet, but he was really concerned about his agents. They, like so many in the industry, had taken a hard financial blow from COVID-19, and he was now having to tell them that they had been laid off. He said “Dave, these guys are like family to me”.

I’m privileged to be able to say that today, despite the uncertainty of his own position’s longevity as Regional Operations Manager, AJ was able to work quickly and secure positions at other recovery companies for many of his agents and he is working to transfer even more agents into permanent placement. In an innately dark and tumultuous industry, it is refreshing to see the efforts of one man shine so brightly. And I am proud to call him my friend and colleague.

You Sir, are a Champ!

Dave Branch

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