Repo Buzz Community will occasionally place items up for auction to our members to show our support of the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund (RABF). All proceeds from the auction go entirely to the RABF. All items and all costs related to the auction have been donated. If you see an item that you like, make a bid. Winning bids will be notified via email and you will be provided a link to donate your winning bid to the RABF directly for your item. Just send a copy of your donation receipt to us and we will provide you with shipping details. Most items include shipping and handling, but the shear size and weight of some items may require special arrangements and this will be clearly marked on any such item. Bid often and bid from your heart. We would like to make this a monthly event.
Up for auction this go around is a Minute Man Black Out American Flag Baseball Cap. We had a great bidding war for the last Minute Man hat (It raised $150.00 for the RABF) so let’s do it again with this awesome hat.
A special thanks to Quinn Denning and the Minute Man Team for providing these awesome hats for the auctions.
This Hat’s Size Is: Adjustable
Made By Kryptec
“Darkness is the ally of the predator that prowls at night. Kryptec Typhon® serves those who operate when and where others will not venture”
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